Anti-Hazing Policy

All existing and prospective members have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. These rights are enforced by punishing violations of the Sorority's policies and procedures. A cornerstone of the Sorority's Risk Management policy is the prohibition of hazing.

Hazing has been prohibited in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority since the organization was founded in 1908. In 1999, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority reaffirmed its total opposition to hazing with the publication of a tougher anti-hazing policy and the implementation of new procedures to identify, investigate and punish incidents.

Hazing will not be tolerated in any form.

Definition of Hazing
Hazing is defined as an act or series of acts that include, but are not limited to:

  • Physical acts, such as hitting, striking, laying hands upon or threatening to do bodily harm to any individual(s), while acting in one's capacity as a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.

  • Behavior which is directed against any individual(s) for the purpose of causing shame, abuse, insult, humiliation, intimidation or disgrace.

  • A variety of prohibited practices, including but not limited to, "underground hazing," "financial hazing," "pre-pledging," "post-pledging" or "post-initiation pledging."

Hazing Policy Violations
Any individual or chapter violation of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority's Risk Management policy will result in suspension, expulsion or revocation of the chapter's charter. A fine may also be imposed.

In addition, hazing activities may result in official discipline by a college/university or the imposition of civil and criminal penalties for individuals and/or chapters.
Undergrad Hazing Complaint Form

Unofficial [Improper] Contact
All candidates—graduate and undergraduate—should understand that they must not consider contact with a suspended or expelled member to be any part of the Sorority's Membership Intake Process. Members may be, and are, suspended or expelled for reasons other than hazing. However, candidates should not participate in any form of membership activities with any suspended or expelled member. In order to assist candidates in determining who may not contact them on behalf of the Sorority, below are descriptions of the suspension and expulsion penalties, and separate links to list all suspended and expelled members irrespective of the specific reasons for the punishment.

Member Suspension
Suspension of a member disqualifies the individual from participating in any and all Sorority activities, in any capacity, until restored to good standing by the Regional Director, upon approval of the International President.

Member Expulsion
Expulsion permanently revokes the individual's membership in the Sorority.